Sensory assessment of motivational indicators for governing adaptive learning contents (SensoMot)

Measurement data from wearables will serve to determine the degree of motivation to achieve successfully adapting learning contents

Subject to the SensoMot project, we will assess how motivationally caused learning blockades can be detected early by means of unobtrusive sensors, and adapt learning contents appropriately. If learning motivation could thus be increased, higher learning success might be effected as well as lower dropout rates in many technology-based learning and teaching scenarios.

Motivation is a key factor in learning, both in terms of understanding and memorising learning contents. A high degree of motivation will benefit the joy of learning and interest, leading to good learning outcomes. If motivational impediments are diagnosed at an early stage, learning processes can be adjusted and learning contents can be more successfully adapted.

Objectives and procedures

SensoMot targets the detection of critical motivational conditions by collecting sensory data without disturbing the learning context. In this regard, for example, filling in a form for the purpose of formatively assessing motivation distracts from learning, and results of such assessments are generally falsified. To detect learners’ motivation without distracting them from the learning context itself, SensoMot will evaluate sensors that are commonly available to consumers, implemented in fitness tracking devices, smartphones and smart watches etc. Such so-called wearables will be used to assess physical data of the learners which might indicate stress or boredom. By deduction of adequate mechanisms for adaptation, learning processes will be governed according to the learners’ motivation. The learning software algorithm will, for example, adjust the learning speed or path.

Prototypically, respective learning scenarios will be developed and evaluated for university teaching in the field of nano-technology, and distance learning in vocational education and training of technicians in engineering. This learning system will be duly made available to educational practice by means of applications.

SensoMot is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), subject to a funding measure in the priority funding area of “learning by experience”, in co-operation with Nagarro AG, the distance learning institute Dr. Robert Eckert, Technical University of Ilmenau, Medical School Hamburg and Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The TBA Centre (DIPF) is responsible for the scientific project co-ordination.  

TBA will moreover focus on the selection of hardware, requirement analysis and training of practice partners.


Funding: BMBF

Co-operation (project partners): Nagarro AG MünchenDistance Learning Institute Dr. Robert Eckert GmbH, Regenstauf (Bavaria)Technical University Ilmenau, Medical School HamburgLeuphana University Lüneburg

Duration: 04/2016-03/2019

Status: completed -> will be shifted to Projects Archive

Project management (TBA):  Dr. Oliver Schneider

Project team (TBA): Angelika SichmaRoland Johannes

Contact: Dr. Oliver Schneider