Schule macht stark - SchuMaS

The research alliance “SchuMaS – Schule macht stark” accompanies and supports the development of 200 primary and secondary schools in challenging circumstances across Germany.

The research allaince "Schule macht stark - SchuMaS" accompanies and supports the development of schools, the development of teaching (with a focus on German and mathematics teaching), the professionalization of pedagogical and didactical staff, as well as networking in the social space at 200 schools in challenging social circumstances in the area of primary and lower secondary education across Germany over a period of 5 years. The research network is interdisciplinary and consists of 13 network institutions. The overall coordination of the collaborative work is carried out by the DIPF.

As part of the Assessment and Research Data Management metacluster, the TBA Center provides a workflow for conducting online surveys (interviewing and testing), enabling the administration of regular surveys (e.g., the baseline survey) and selected online testing in the area of competency diagnostics.

Therefore, existing tools (among others the authoring tool CBA ItemBuilder) are provided, which can be used to implement interactive competence tests and questionnaires by non-programmers. The assessments created with the CBA ItemBuilder are used with the help of a delivery software for online deliveries within SchuMaS.

In addition, the TBA Center trains and advises CBA ItemBuilder users and provides user documentation. TBA handles test assembly and online delivery and, as part of survey preparation, assists in the automated conversion of survey data for subsequent research data management and the provision of survey data for automated feedback in consultation with content experts (school administrators, teachers, learners).

More information on „Schule macht stark – SchuMaS“:

Funding: BMBF & KMK

Co-operation: see

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2025

Status: ongoing

Project team: (Metacluster "Assessment und Forschungsdatenmanagement" at DIPF): Ulf Kröhne, Daniel Schiffner, Tobias Deribo, Frank Goldhammer, Doris Bambey

Contact: Ulf Kröhne