The "Centre for international comparative assessments of education (ZIB)" bundles the realisation of PISA studies in Germany as well as the German research of international educational assessments.
As a permanent partner in the “Zentrum für internationale Bildungsvergleichsstudien” (Centre for international comparative assessments of education, ZIB), which was jointly established by the federal government (Bund) and the federal states (Länder), the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education will contribute its competence and experience in conducting large-scale, international comparative studies such as PISA. The federal government and the Länder have confirmed the central role the DIPF plays in international comparative educational monitoring. Under the auspices of Professor Eckhard Klieme, the DIPF already directed national operations in PISA 2009 and it is likewise represented in the international consortia for PISA 2009 and 2012 as well as being involved in other OECD studies. On behalf of the OECD, Professor Klieme currently chairs the international PISA questionnaire expert group. In the future, the Centre for international comparative assessments of education (ZIB) will co-ordinate activities concerning PISA in Germany, as well as German research in the field of international comparative assessments in education. Apart from the DIPF, the Technical University Munich (TUM) and the Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel are partners in this new institution.
Professor Manfred Prenzel (TUM) was elected chair by the first convention, and Professor Eckhard Klieme (DIPF) was elected deputy chairman. The legal body of the non-profit organisation is located in Munich, while research activities are decentralised.
The new centre will benefit from the competencies the DIPF and the IPN (both Leibniz Institutes) have acquired internationally as well as from the innovative work the DIPF can deliver in the area of assessing competencies and in the field of technology-based assessment. The TBA group (Technology Based Assessment) at the DIPF has already worked successfully for PISA 2009 and for PIAAC (PISA for adult learners), by developing innovative instruments for computer-based assessment.
Funded by the ZIB budget, the DIPF has set up a new professorship for computer-aided procedures in instruction and the assessment of achievement.
Duration: 2011 - 2016
Status: laufend
Project management: Frank Goldhammer, Eckhard Klieme
Contact: Nina Jude, Frank Goldhammer
Collaborators: Gabriela Christoph, Miriam Hacker, Carolin Hahnel, Sabrina Hermann
Further Links:Centre for international comparative assessments of education (ZIB)