Since 2005 StEG investigates the development of German allday-schools, e.g. with the help of a nationwide online assessment of headmasters.
The setup and expansion of all-day school opportunities plays an important role in education debates. In the framework of the investment programme ‘The Future of Education and Care’ (IZBB) funding is provided for modification and equipment of all-day schools. Accordingly, the study on the development of all-day schools (StEG) is related to this context.
1. Documentation and analysis: StEG
For the first time, StEG documents the development of German all-day schools as well as individual progress of students across several years. Based on data from the first assessment in 2005, the initial situation of all-day schools can be described and indications can be given regarding the conditions for a successful expansion of all-day schooling. Participants from the first assessment have been continually monitored since then.
In total, three surveys have been conducted (in 2005, 2007 and 2009) allowing analyses of how teaching in all-day schools influences the personal development and skills of students. The findings now provide a starting point for current research. The survey of school principals is part of the overall project.
2. Support assistance: StEG S
The project aims at the identification of quality features of teaching and offers contributing to the improvement of reading comprehension support and social learning as well as the motivation of students. Furthermore, an intervention study will be conducted in selected schools. This study evaluates an all-day offer for text comprehension and focuses on the influence gained from a connection of supplementary offerings and teaching.
Methodological procedure
For StEG, TBA developed a national online survey of school principals with SSL-certified access. TBA produces the online test for the sub project StEG-S (developing key competencies in all-day provisions at secondary school level) and provides USB memory sticks in order to conduct the surveys in the schools. At three measuring times students in grade 5 will be assessed in a computer-based survey concerning quality and effects of specific all-day offers. The three measuring times are: beginning of school year 2013, end of first term 2014 and beginning of the school year 2014. Furthermore, teachers and pedagogical staff will be questioned. Findings from the assessment will be supplied anonymised on the TBA-owned servers for evaluation. The survey and the use of the assessed data comply with data protection legislation.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), European Social Fund (ESF)
Co-operation: German Youth Institute (DJI), Institute for School Development Research (IFS), Justus-Liebig University Giessen
Duration: 2004 - 2015
Status: current
Project management: Dr. Natalie Fischer (overall project management at DIPF), Elham Müller (TBA)
Contact: Elham Müller