CBA in Class
The planned project aims at using computer based assessment in formative diagnostics via feedback of the diagnostical information in teaching practice.
This "DIPF 2015-project" aims at preliminary work (e.g. framing a pursuing DFG application) for realizing a research project concerning "CBA in class". The project to apply for is about implementation and transfer of computer based diagnostics of competencies as well as feedback for actual teaching practice including the prototypical development of a therefore necessary online delivery platform.
1. Development of diagnostic und instructional tools
Formative diagnostics include feedback of diagnostic information to students and teachers, therefore, it is the core element of formative assessment. Realisation in practice is often times insufficient, because of a lack of appropriate diagnostic and instructional tools. However, the implementation of computer based formative assessment (CBFA) offers a great many of advantages, e.g. automatic feedback without data entry, manual response coding and use of process-related behavioural data for feedback.
2. DFG application
The DFG project to apply for aims at transferring findings from research on computer based diagnosticsc of competencies and research on feedback into actual teaching practice as well as investigating conditions for a successful transfer. As an element of this implementation research the necessary infrastructure for the transfer shall be developed prototypically as an online delivery platform that enables diagnostics of competencies and feedback on the basis of school hardware as fail-safe as possible.
Methodological Approach
The planned preliminary studies for the application contain analysis of the computerisability of open response formats and the testing of alternative implementations as well as the implementation of item formats and feedback with the help of the authoring tool CBA ItemBuilder, taking into consideration process-related behavioural data, qualitative testing of items as well as a requirement analysis for the online delivery-platform. For the formative diagnostics and feedback module an exemplary math unit (Pythagorean Theorem) is used, for which paper based items and feedback formats have already been tested empirically. The scientific networking regarding "CBA in class" is strengthened through conducting a conference symposium and an expert workshop addressing questions of transfer of computer based diagnostics and feedback in class.
Funding: DIPF
Duration: 10/2013 – 02/2015
Project manager: Frank Goldhammer, Ulf Kröhne, Heiko Rölke, Birgit Harks
Contact: Frank Goldhammer