TAO is an open-source software platform for computer-based assessments based on open standards. DIPF/TBA supports the use of TAO by providing a workflow to use CBA ItemBuilder tasks as Portable Custom Interactions (PCI-Components) in TAO.
Where do I find more information about TAO?
TAO (“Testing Assisté par Ordinateur” = computer-based assessment) is the French acronym for CBA. The TAO-software is developed and maintained by OAT (a company named Open Assessment Technologies).
- Further Links: https://www.taotesting.com/
Item Types Supported by TAO
TAO uses the Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) standard for items, that allow various interaction types to be used in computer-based assessments.
- Further Links: https://www.imsglobal.org/question/index.html
Response formats and item types that are not included in the QTI standard, can be added as so-called Portable Custom Interactions (PCI). PCI-components are either developed by programmers or can be created using authoring tools, like the CBA ItemBuilder. DIPF/TBA supports the use of TAO with complex item formats that go beyond QTI interactions by providing a workflow to use CBA ItemBuilder tasks as PCI-components.
- Further Links: https://www.imsglobal.org/assessment/interactions.html
Where do I find the Converter to create PCI’s using CBA ItemBuilder content?
The "fastib2pci" converter can be used directly via github.
* Product Owner and Psychometrics: PD Dr. Ulf Kröhne
* Development: Felix Wagner
* Contact: aWItc3VwcG9ydEBkaXBmLmRl
* Further Links: https://www.github.com/DIPFtba/fastib2pci